In the days of Abram in the book of Genesis, there were two cities called Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were morally bankrupt and full of sexual immorality and sexual sin. They openly and publically supported homosexuality and any kind of sexual sin that could be committed. This was allowed by God to go on for sometime. Then, when the height of their sin ripened and reached heaven's limits, God destroyed both cities with fire from the sky. The main reason for their destruction was because they were sexually immoral cities.

Later, during the time of Noah, all of mankind was spiritually bankrupt and God repented that He had created man. Man was full of corruption and evil. God said to Noah, build an arc and gave him the specs. Noah built the arc as the moral bankruptcy continued rampantly until the day Noah and his family entered the arc. God opened the heavens and poured rain on the earth for 40 days and 40 nights until the mountains were covered with water. All of mankind and all life drowned and Noah and his family were saved. The floods came only because mankind was living immorally and defied the laws of God to live in their sin.

When Moses visited the top of Mt Sinai, and Israel was waiting for him, they began creating and worshipping false gods, namely a golden calf. Moses came down and threw the tablets from God in rage because his people were sinning against his God. Later Moses grinded the golden calf and made Israel drink it. God then made Israel go into bondage in the desert until all those who worshipped the golden calf died.

God always waits until the sin has ripened, or the sinner repent before he judges. Nineveh, was living immorally and God sent Jonah to tell them if they didn't repent they would be destroyed. Jonah tried to hide from God and took a boat ride away from Nineveh. A storm came and Jonah wound up being swallowed by a big fish and spit up onto the shores of Nineveh. Still, not wanting to do what God asked of him, Jonah simply said Repent or you will be destroyed. Nineveh repented and God did not destroy them.

America has become a sexually immoral nation. The leaders are openly and publically supporting same sex marriages and homosexuality. Not only supporting, but using a national health care entity to force all businesses to pay for birth control and abortion. A television series about two homosexuals raising an adopted daughter won awards. America is saying they support this behaviour by giving awards to a television show depicting that this homosexual behavior is typical in the American family.

According to the Florida Domestic Partnership blog, 43% of America supports same sex marriage, 83% support gays in the military, total Number of Gay Couples:
594,391; Most Same Sex Couples by City: New York, NY: 47,000; Los Angeles, CA: 12,000; Chicago, IL: 10,000. Public support for gay marriage has increased about 1% annually over the last two decades. Statisticians predict a majority of Americans will support gay marriage by 2012.

These facts tell me that America has almost reached the point of God's judgement. When we look at the crimes of the nations leaders we see them getting away with lying, cheating, stealing or any behaviour they want to use. There's nobody on earth powerful enough to make them pay for their crime.

Hate crimes numbers in 2009 were caused by the biases of: race 4047, religion 1575, sexual orientation 1482, national origin 1109, and disabilities 99. This can be used as a gauge to measure of the violent behaviour in the nation.

The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud says Nearly one of four Americans say it’s ok to defraud insurers, says a survey by the consulting firm Accenture Ltd. Some 8 percent say it’s “quite acceptable” to bilk insurers, while 16 percent say it’s “somewhat acceptable.” About one in 10 people agree it’s ok to submit claims for items that aren’t lost or damaged, or for personal injuries that didn’t occur. Two of five people are “not very likely” or “not likely at all” to report someone who ripped of an insurer.

This immoral behaviour is unacceptable to God. It's time for America to realize that, repent and turn back to God, or God will destroy America. How does America correct its wrong before God corrects it?

There are six steps to turning America back to God, and, as was when Israel was in bondage, repentance always started with a small group and grew into national repentance before Israel was removed from their bondage. The same has to happen in America. A small group needs to begin daily prayer sessions asking God to open the eyes of those needed for the repentance of the nation.

There is more to preparing yourself for a revival than praying. Its a process that you have to cleanse yourself before seeking God. A good set of directions for the prep for revival was written by Pat Robertson. You can read it here. Please do.

I pray that everyone reading this message will pass it on. Please share this message everywhere you can. The more people that read it, the more chances it has to begin what is needed for America to turn itself around to avoid the wrath of God. I ask you to pray daily that God opens the eyes of those needed for this fixing of America.