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A Gentle Push
Written by Carl A Davenport
Inspired by God

Do you encounter people on a daily basis who need a word of encouragement? What is your response? Is it patient? Or do you tell them or others how stupid you think they are? Do you get aggravated and think they should know how to carry on without a helping hand? Are their trials trivial? Do you know more than they do in every case? Is everyone else stupid?

If any of this is happening, the problem is not with others, its deep inside you. You are not what God intended you to be. You are full of self. You are in bondage to self. You are on the broad path to hell.

You must remember at all times, to serve you must be humble, gentle, patient and caring, and you must simply put yourself in their place. If you keep it simple it will stay simple.

If you have never needed encouragement, then you won’t know what it is to encourage anyway. But, if you have, you should know that you are way out of line with your impatience. You need to stop considering how much more intelligent you are than the person who needs encouragement, and get on with the encouraging.

You can plow right through them in selfishness while being unkind and unhelpful. Or...you can humble yourself and be of some kind of help to them.

Keep in mind, those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. There is no other way. Which do you prefer, to humble yourself or to be humbled? One is coming your way soon and its you make the choice of which one it will be.

Your actions are also your testimony and your testimony will read itself back to you in consequences during your life...And, it will be read back to you on the great judgment day. The entire world will be there listening when its read. Everyone who has ever lived will hear your testimony.

Will it be something worth hearing or will you be shamed right into the lake of fire?



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powerful Creator of all creations. To give credit
to anyone else would be a disrespect to the Living
God as He continues to create through His creations.


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