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On Top

God always starts everything He starts with Himself on the top. That is because, whether you believe that or not, He is the top. Nothing that exists would be able to exist if He were not on top making sure it exists. God is always in control. Shortly after you forget that simple fact your troubles appear. Those who refuse to accept the fact that God is on top always fail. Whenever you allow the thought to enter your mind that you are on top or you elevate yourself or something else above God, you have made an idol. An idol is anything you make more important, or more powerful, or more in control than God. It will be the main factor in your unfolding.

When you put God on top you follow His lead. You are right. Life may not seem as wonderful as it should be to you, but everything is going just as God planned it, not how you think it should. It doesn’t matter what you think. It matters what God thinks. He is in control and until you stop fighting it and accept it, life will be full of thorns for you.

Since being on the top represents your life to you, life is not wonderful for you because you have not unconditionally placed God on top in your life and you are fighting to control what is God’s. You have placed yourself or something else at or near the top of your life and are only pretending to believe God is on top of you life when is is to your advantage. This is false worship. You are worshiping yourself and pretending to worship God.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap. (Gal 6:7) What ever you plant you will harvest. Your harvest time comes as soon as  the growing season ends. When you plant deceit you will receive deceit. When you plant love you will harvest love. And think of the abundance you will harvest. When you plant one apple seed, you harvest a tree full of apples for years to come. So, you also harvest much much more than you plant. This ought to make you think about what you are planting. This is also true of worshiping God. If you plant love with God you will harvest much more, (like the apple seed). When you put yourself on top, you are not planting a seed of the love of God, you are planting the seed of evil.  You will reap plenty of evil.

When the seeds you plant are the seeds of control, deception, lies, manipulations, trickery, or anything to cause harm or evil to others so you can have control of something, whether it be now or down the line, God says, OK, you can have control, but you will only be in control of you own evil. Your evil world should be simple to manage for someone as cunning as you. You can arrange some very clever manipulations and have others unknowingly work your evil for you. You can lie to a few of the players and get them in the position you need them, and then use your fine art of trickery to manipulate one against the other to cause confusion and division, or you can deceive those who do not want to be a player into acting on some issue that will make them a player. You have managed your schemes very well. But that’s just for the season. Seasons change. What you fail to acknowledge is that in all the evil seeds you are planting, you are making the bed you will soon sleep in. Yes the rooster does come home to roost. When the rooster comes home, you will have to sleep in the bed of evil you made for yourself. It’s the immutable law of God of you reap what you sew. Forgiveness does not remove the consequence of sin. You will have the consequence of the sin even when you are forgiven.

When the rooster comes home, it will become swim or sink for you and your world of slickness. You can only be slick until it is known you are slick. When that fact becomes known, your slickness loses its effectiveness. To stay on top you will have to be able to continue your manipulations and deceptions even when masses become wise to you.  The times will become rather tough for you when the world realizes your wisdom is only deception, manipulation and confusion. You will have to work those who do not know you or your ways. But they will soon catch on to you also. All who know you will realize you deceived them and that every thread of you existence is soaked in deception, lies, manipulation and confusion division and other evil. They will realize you will only use them to serve you own purposes. They will turn away. There is a very high probability that you will get a closer look at the bottom of the cesspool you created. You will probably be looking at the muck on the bottom soon.

Once again, if you sewed deceptions, lies, manipulations, division and confusion, you will reap it. And you will reap when the end of the growing season comes. It does not matter how well your evil plots are going for you, the evil seeds you plant always turn around and return to you at the end of the growing season when your harvest time comes.

There’s an old saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Where are you going to go?  That saying meant to get going to find a solution to the problems of the world you took from God. Where are you going? It did not mean going away to hide from your newly obtained problems. It did not mean run to the bottle of alcohol, or get high on drugs, or let the short seasoned pleasures of sex or some other god, who has come along to help you manage the world you took control of from God.

You can’t manage the world you took from God and He knew it when you took control. He sat back and waited and watched you turn to other gods. He allowed this to happen to teach you that you are not God and none of the gods who came along to help you are God. You and these gods you created are only gods of your mind. They cannot heal, they cannot work miracles. They can not raise the dead. They cannot make life. They can only do one thing, and that is serve you. The Living God would not allow you to do what they allow you to do. They are your self made gods and only your god. You have created them in your mind so you the god you worship would allow you to do your evil and have no guilt. You created them in your mind because you do not have the courage to serve the devil, and you do not have the true grace it takes to serve the Living God. So my friend, you are in trouble. You are ‘stuck’ somewhere in middle ground. If you are not serving God, and you don’t from middle ground, you are serving the devil. You are one of his children. You will spend a long time with him in the end.

The Living God has no beginning. He is not here one day and gone the next. He is always here and always will be. His day never ends. Your god begins when you create him in your mind. Your god only reigns in your mind until you create a better god who will support more of your evil. Should your god last the rest of your life, your god will end when you end. You will be alone with your god in eternity. What will you do? You will be left to deceive only your god. Your god is you.




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powerful Creator of all creations. To give credit
to anyone else would be a disrespect to the Living
God as He continues to create through His creations.


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