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To the Devout Harley Man...


Is God really number one in your life? Do you claim He is? If you claim He is, are you true to your claim or is it just a claim you think God wants to hear from you? You are about to find out whether you are true to your word with God, or whether you deceive yourself and are not true to the Living God you make these claims to.

If God is number one in your life, you will accept all He gives you no matter what it is. An example, you want a very good paying job and God gives you one that you will just get by on. Do you go to work unhappy because you are not receiving the wages you think you should. If you gripe about not having enough money to buy what you want, the Living God is not number one in your life, what you want is.

When it comes to transportation, do have the automobile you truly would like to have? If you do, the Living God has done well for you. If you want more than the Living God has given you, you are seeking an idol.

What kind of motorcycle will you ride? If you will ride nothing but a Harley and call the other bikes out there 'Jap bikes or rice burners and will not acknowledge them, because you are just a little to cool to ride anything but a Harley, you have made Harley more than a just a personal preference. You have made a motorcycle your idol.

You see, what you need to realize is, whatever you put first in your life is your god. If you worship, strongly desire, or covet anything the world offers more than you worship or desire or covet a sound relationship with the Living God, you are in direct violation of the First Commandment of God.  When the season of your sin ends, it will be harvest time and you have to receive your just recompense for your sin. God does not let anything slide. You always receive an abundance for every seed at harvest.

Many of those who ride Harley's make their Harley their God. I am a former Harley worshipper. I used to take my hog where ever I could just to show it off. I used to shine it up daily, buy a chrome piece so it would be more impressive and maybe others would love my bike the way I did. I used to watch it like a hawk. If I went inside I always worried about it not being there when I came out. It was first in my life.

Soon the Living God said, "that's enough, I will not be second to this heap of metal anymore. He allowed me to live through the accident and showed me many signs that He is number one during my recovery. I now believe He is number one. He hasn't allowed me to have another Harley yet and I know that if He wants me too I will, so I wait on Him to arrange all that needs to be arranged for me to have one.



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design and content of this website. He is the all
powerful Creator of all creations. To give credit
to anyone else would be a disrespect to the Living
God as He continues to create through His creations.


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